#1: Creme Rinse.
#6 Scented Hands at a Bargain
For each place in my home where somebody might want to wash their hands, I bought pretty little empty pump containers--at the craft store or wherever--and filled them with a lovely-smelling body wash. (I chose a cucumber-green tea scent for only $1 per bottle from the Dollar Store! )
They say on the news that too much anti-bacterial soap isn't good for you, anyway.
#8 I Enjoy Being a Girl
I always wear earrings, every day. They give me a feminine look at all hours and dresses me up.
I think I look more pulled together. (Yes, I know that some men like to wear earrings. That's their decision.)
All I know is I feel more like a girl when I wear them.
I think I look more pulled together. (Yes, I know that some men like to wear earrings. That's their decision.)
All I know is I feel more like a girl when I wear them.
#10 Extra, Extra
#11 Top of the Line Topcoat
Do you do your own manicures? Amelia doesn't know this, but I've done my own for years. My secret in keeping a good manicure--or pedicure--is a top-of-the-line topcoat. You can buy inexpensive (okay, cheap) nail polish if you top it with an expensive clear topcoat. It's worth every penny, and will keep your manicure going longer than you have reason to expect! |

#12 Younger Eyes
Over the years, many women's eyebrows have a tendency to turn gray, thin out, even disappear completely from the outer edge inward. Since eyebrows carry much of the weight of our facial expressions, it's important to keep them on your face. Forget about those dumb stencils you see here and there. What you want to do is use a very sharp eyebrow pencil in a shade lighter than your hair and flick hair-like strokes along your brow line to simulate brows. It's flattering and subtle, and your face will look younger. (A young actress once gave me another tip: you look friendlier if you raise your eyebrows when you smile.)
Over the years, many women's eyebrows have a tendency to turn gray, thin out, even disappear completely from the outer edge inward. Since eyebrows carry much of the weight of our facial expressions, it's important to keep them on your face. Forget about those dumb stencils you see here and there. What you want to do is use a very sharp eyebrow pencil in a shade lighter than your hair and flick hair-like strokes along your brow line to simulate brows. It's flattering and subtle, and your face will look younger. (A young actress once gave me another tip: you look friendlier if you raise your eyebrows when you smile.)
#13 Hair or Lettuce, Your Choice
My mother used to use vinegar and water as a final hair rinse instead of creme rinse.
She said her mother had, too. I ignored this motherly tip until quite recently. It works!
It makes your hair soft and shiny, something to do with Ph balance or something.
Use a couple of tablespoons to about a cup of water and rinse after shampooing.
Don't worry about the smell. It rinses out with the vinegar,
though I'd stick with standard white or apple cider vinegar and stay away from the other flavors.
My mother used to use vinegar and water as a final hair rinse instead of creme rinse.
She said her mother had, too. I ignored this motherly tip until quite recently. It works!
It makes your hair soft and shiny, something to do with Ph balance or something.
Use a couple of tablespoons to about a cup of water and rinse after shampooing.
Don't worry about the smell. It rinses out with the vinegar,
though I'd stick with standard white or apple cider vinegar and stay away from the other flavors.

#14 Treasure Chest
I've seen this simple secret several places, so I tried it and it works! To make your figure look younger, make sure your bra straps are adjusted nice and tight. If they're stretched out, it's time to get a new bra.
I've seen this simple secret several places, so I tried it and it works! To make your figure look younger, make sure your bra straps are adjusted nice and tight. If they're stretched out, it's time to get a new bra.

# 15 Move Over, Carmen Miranda (And if you know who that is, you're older than I am.) Okay, I haven't tried this yet, but this method of moisturizing dry hair sounds like it might work: Apply commercial mayonnaise to your hair. Wrap it in plastic wrap. Walk around in this getup for up to an hour, then unwrap and rinse your hair out. Why don't you try it and let me know how it turns out?

#16 New Beauty Secret? Water!
I like to keep a bottle of water around because I recently learned that drinking lots of it is good for you because it: reduces wrinkles, tightens your skin (especially if you're on a diet), prevents dry skin, flushes toxins out of your system, improves digestion and supposedly helps reduce dark circles under the eyes. Maybe it does all this and maybe it doesn't, but it's not very expensive to give it a try.
I like to keep a bottle of water around because I recently learned that drinking lots of it is good for you because it: reduces wrinkles, tightens your skin (especially if you're on a diet), prevents dry skin, flushes toxins out of your system, improves digestion and supposedly helps reduce dark circles under the eyes. Maybe it does all this and maybe it doesn't, but it's not very expensive to give it a try.